Items filtered by date: June 2022
Thursday, 30 June 2022 19:01



A course that has ended and…. with this, it's been 20 since we started this project, with the construction of the Mbackombel school.

470 primary school students and 160 kindergarten students say goodbye to the 2021-2022 academic year, with the usual awards ceremony, which is attended by parents and families.

The Mbackombel School remains at the forefront among rural schools (public and private) in the area for its level and facilities.

We have to point out that three of the teachers are former students of the school, which shows that our project is working.

Soon we will publish a list of students who are being trained or have been trained at the university and/or academies.

We are achieving these 20 years of continuity in our project thanks to the SPONSORS, PARTNERS, DONORS, PRIVATE ENTITIES and VOLUNTEERS, who year after year support us and believe in our project.


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