Monday, 13 November 2017 20:44

Letter from a volunteer and collaborator

Written by  Fundacion
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My name is Àlex Tobella and I'm 28 years old. I am currently studying Social Work at the University of Barcelona and later I would like to do a Master's degree related to International Cooperation.

For about ten years I have been interested in knowing what are the reasons that cause the differences between some countries and others. I no longer speak only about the economic aspect, also social, educational, health or infrastructure aspects. In this way I intend to be able to understand why the global sphere is going towards a more separatist and unstructured world society between one and another, when we all should have the same rights.

I have seen these social differences personally and after traveling for years in different Asian and African countries, I have understood what are the reasons that cause these huge differences. Unfortunately, my credible conclusion is: There is not a single reason; there are many reasons that explain this inequality situation. And the solution to these problems is not easy if we do not all collaborate.


Therefore, it is important that the first persons taking this step forward and collaborating for a fairer world are the ones who have personally seen these social differences between the rich and poor countries. As the NGO " POR UNA SONRISA EN ÁFRICA (For a Smile In Africa) does. Thanks to them and other global entities, millions of people without resources to survive have the guarantee and the possibility of exercising their rights as people. So, it is necessary to collaborate all together in order to help the entities and the people who are part of them to achieve the goal of a fairer and equitable world.

In my case, and with the help of family and friends, we have raised a sum of money that has been used to buy different school materials to help to improve the education rates of students tutored by the FOUNDATION "POR UNA SONRISA EN ÁFRICA", located in Senegal. With this small grain of sand we invite you to do the same, this message is to let us not forget that our assistance efforts are based on one principle: help those most in need.

So, with the help of all we can get a better world.

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