Wednesday, 13 November 2019 13:20

Start of the new course 2019/2020

Written by Fundacion


We have started the course normally, even though the rainy season has ended late. In Mbackombel we have ten primary classrooms and three kindergartens classes working at full gas, in addition to five preschool classrooms, located in nearby towns.

The total amount of students studying in our foundation school is 397 in elementary school and 240 in preschool, which makes a total of 637 students, 28 more than last year.

This year we have started English classes for the students of the last two courses and the teacher is an old student of the foundation. With him there are already 4 teachers who learned in our school and now they have become teachers of the young generations!

We continue to train our high school graduates

At the Residence we have in Mbour, during the months of October, and November, the volunteer Clara Gregori, who has a PhD in Physics, has been teaching Advanced Web Programming  courses to a group of students and she will continue giving the course until the end of December.

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Sponsorship contributions are a fundamental basis for our school growth.

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Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:08

Technology reaches our students

Written by Fundacion


A few months ago the Director of Technology of our Foundation, José Mª Catot, contacted the coordinator of the Degree in Engineering in ICT Systems of the School of Mines of the UPC of Manresa, Professor Jordi Bonet, in order to study the possibility of organizing a group of volunteers to travel to our student residence in Mbour-Senegal to give an intensive course of different activities within the field of information and communication technologies (ICTs).

At the same time, we requested computers from the REUTILITZA Program which is part of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and accepting our petition they donated us seven laptops.

Engineering degree of this EPSEM school at the UPC in Manresa moved to Senegal at the end of July to Finally, a group of four students (David Màrquez, Irene Mollet, Joan Antoni Riera and Marta Viñas) and Professor Albert Babí, from the ICT Systems introduce our students in the use of new technologies and to monitor the installation of the residence's photovoltaic system. (See activities carried out on the web-blog

It has been three and a half weeks of intense activity with a group of enthusiastic students who have remarkably assimilated the course learned and at the same time the experience has created a very good student-teacher relationship.

We hope to repeat next year this experience of partnership between the UPC and our Foundation.

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Monday, 29 July 2019 18:22

We are always busy

Written by Fundacion


We had a very busy semester, since several projects have been carried out during this period or are still underway.

Among others:

1. Something important was the opportunity to send a sponsored child (Abdou, 15 years old) to Barcelona, to treat his Nephropathy problem. The Hospital Nens de Barcelona have treated us very well and they have done a lot of analysis and tests to finally put a treatment that the student Abdou will continue in Senegal.
For six months we have struggled to get all the necessary documentation so that the child and his tutor could finally move to Barcelona.

2. The Antonio Cabré Foundation (Lycée Français Bon Soleil) with a team of teachers have been once again, in Senegal, "recycling" the teachers of our school in Mbackombel, something very important for the improvement of education and learning of our students (244 in kindergartens and 365 in elementary school).

3. We are building another classroom in our school in Mbackombel, with which we will have 10 primary classrooms. With the collaboration of the Roviralta Foundation.

We hope to continue giving you good news within two months, at the start of the new course.

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Wednesday, 09 January 2019 12:21

2018, has been a good year for our Foundation.

Written by Fundacion

We finished the year with the satisfaction of having been able to carry out all the projects we had planned and also one that we had not calculated to carry out.

In the course of 2018, we were able to build and equip 5 "normal" classrooms and a "laboratory" for the public school of Louly Bentegné.

This high school and baccalaureate school, which currently has 20 classrooms plus a laboratory room and offices, has been completely built by our Foundation thanks to the collaboration of the Repsol Foundation from the beginning and lately thanks to the support of Antonio Cabré Foundation and Roviralta Foundation.

In our Mbackombel's school we have felt an enormous happiness on having seen that there was an important increased in the number of inscriptions. Calculating this possibility, we have built another classroom during the year, thanks to the solidarity challange presented by Migranodearena. In the current course we have 365 students in primary and 244 in kindergartens.

Also we have construct few rooms to a family composed by a mother and three children since they had lost everything as a consequence of a fire in his house built with canes.

A tornado destroyed the roof of the offices of Soussane's College and the porch where our children eat at Mbackombel School ... we have also been able to repair it, thanks to occasional donations.

All this, along with the salary of teachers and staff (22 people) as well as the school canteen and the teacher’s residence, has been possible to finance it thanks to all those who collaborate with us through sponsorships, quotas, donations, voluntary work, etc.


Tuesday, 10 July 2018 23:55

Finished projects and gratifying results.

Written by Fundacion


At the end of February we published some photos of the projects that we had in progress and that should be finished before the rainy season. Well, we have succeeded and the three classrooms of Louly Bentegné (18 already built) for baccalaureate and Mbackombel (thirteen already built), will be operative at the beginning of the next course.

It has not been easy to achieve the project since some suppliers did not respect the delivery deadlines for the materials. Personally, I had to chase them until we got what was needed.

These two projects have been carried out thanks to the collaboration of the Repsol, Antonio Cabré (Louly Bentegné) and Roviralta (Mbackombel) foundations, and also, thanks to the funds from the contributions of our collaborators.

Another important new! Our students that are in last year of primary school have participated in a regional competition of general culture (Genie en herbe). Each team group was made up of six students who were asked questions of all kinds. Our students have been the winners!!!


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