We have started the course normally, even though the rainy season has ended late. In Mbackombel we have ten primary classrooms and three kindergartens classes working at full gas, in addition to five preschool classrooms, located in nearby towns.
The total amount of students studying in our foundation school is 397 in elementary school and 240 in preschool, which makes a total of 637 students, 28 more than last year.
This year we have started English classes for the students of the last two courses and the teacher is an old student of the foundation. With him there are already 4 teachers who learned in our school and now they have become teachers of the young generations!
We continue to train our high school graduates
At the Residence we have in Mbour, during the months of October, and November, the volunteer Clara Gregori, who has a PhD in Physics, has been teaching Advanced Web Programming courses to a group of students and she will continue giving the course until the end of December.
We invite you to be “achievers” of new sponsors.
Sponsorship contributions are a fundamental basis for our school growth.
A few months ago the Director of Technology of our Foundation, José Mª Catot, contacted the coordinator of the Degree in Engineering in ICT Systems of the School of Mines of the UPC of Manresa, Professor Jordi Bonet, in order to study the possibility of organizing a group of volunteers to travel to our student residence in Mbour-Senegal to give an intensive course of different activities within the field of information and communication technologies (ICTs).
At the same time, we requested computers from the REUTILITZA Program https://reutilitza.upc.edu/ca which is part of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and accepting our petition they donated us seven laptops.
Engineering degree of this EPSEM school at the UPC in Manresa moved to Senegal at the end of July to Finally, a group of four students (David Màrquez, Irene Mollet, Joan Antoni Riera and Marta Viñas) and Professor Albert Babí, from the ICT Systems introduce our students in the use of new technologies and to monitor the installation of the residence's photovoltaic system. (See activities carried out on the web-blog https://mvinaslobez.wixsite.com/senegal2019?lang=en.)
It has been three and a half weeks of intense activity with a group of enthusiastic students who have remarkably assimilated the course learned and at the same time the experience has created a very good student-teacher relationship.
We hope to repeat next year this experience of partnership between the UPC and our Foundation.
We finished the year with the satisfaction of having been able to carry out all the projects we had planned and also one that we had not calculated to carry out.
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